Friday, July 11, 2008

16 Weeks Down!!


Crazymamaof6 said...

just wanted to tell you there are no magic skills to 6. 3 is fun and hard, until you have 4. then 3 is a piece of cake ,like you'll remember having 2 was, once #3 is here.
keep a sense of humor, and prozac does wonders for the insanity of motherhood! {{wink}} and learn to let the little stuff go,in the eternal scheme of things in doesn't matter. promise!!
and you look great for being prego with #3!~ congrats on that!

Elizabeth said...

Lookin good girl!!!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Cute AND the bloggity makeover!

The Mays Family said...

Hot mama, you look fabulous!
Miss you friend. When we get back from vacation I will start working on Thursday's again so hopefully we can get to catch up.

The Mays Family said...

hey i got your email, but there was no blog address for me to go to, can you email me with the blog.

Jason, Ashley and Addison said...

I love how you have updated your blog site! (Its been a little while since I have visited last). Pretty cool are going to have to share how you did that.

Kelly said...

I am just now realizing that you are pregnant and due 5 days before me!!!! HOW FUN!
You look so cute - how can you be so small with your third child. I've been so worried that I'm not showing enough and then I see tiny little you. ha!